Friday, April 8, 2011

Farmer designs water mill to generate electricity


I read this news on the BetterIndia site this morning. Felt absolutely terrific.

They say illiterate farmer, but I say a creative farmer, using his experience, from Somapur village in Gadag district of Karnataka, has designed a water mill to generate electricity. Right from conceptualizing to materialisation, the farmer has done everything on his own. He operates the water mill in the canal near his house. 

As they say, grass root innovations are the need for the hour and that works, this is just one of those examples. With only just 5000 Rs, Siddappa has come up with this brilliant 'workable' model. 

Pic courtesy: The BetterIndia



Sudhi said...

A great thing!

Such things are really needed for country like India.

Anonymous said...

Thats really WOW!